Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Daniel Snay Sex offender wins massachusetts lottery

Sex Offender Wins 10m Lottery

Mass. A convicted Level 3 sex offender has won $10 million in the Massachusetts State Lottery.
The Worcester Gazette & Telegram reports 56-year-old Daniel Snay, of Uxbridge, could now face charges because he failed to notify authorities that he had moved, according to Connecticut State Police.
Snay works driving trucks for a yacht dealership in Mendon. He won the $10 million from a $20 scratch ticket purchased at Cumberland Farms in Hopedale.
But the lottery winnings also come with unwanted publicity.
Sex offenders have the right to play the lottery too. This is similar to that story about the gambling addict who won the lottery. The difference in that case though was he was prohibited by his judge from ever gambling again, thus he was not entitled to the winnings. There is no such prohibition for sex offenders yet.
Snay's record of sexual assaults dates back to 1974. He has been convicted six times of indecent assault and battery in Massachusetts. Level 3 offenders are considered the most dangerous and the most likely to commit another crime.