Mark Zuckerberg biography.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born May 14, 1984. He is 24 years old now.
To the youngest billionaire of a planet only 24 years! In February, 2004 in a hostel of the Harvard university student Mark Zuckerberg has thought up social network Facebook. The new site reflected as means of dialogue of students of Harvard, nowadays his audience makes 66 million active users, and annual sales - about 150 million dollars. picture (c) from flickr by leafar.
Prompt growth of popularity of new network Facebook has forced out Mark from university and closely to engage in the Facebook. The first investor in the young project became Peter Thiel from payment system PayPal, having enclosed in him of 500 thousand dollars. He was followed also by others. In October of last year Microsoft has bought 1,6 % of actions Facebook for 240 million dollars - this price includes exclusive rights of sale of advertising to site Facebook till 2011.
Today cost Facebook, by some estimations, makes 15 billion dollars, and Mark Tsukerberg who owns 27 % of the action of the company, has accordingly about 4 billion dollars.
Magazine Forbes, being based on opinion of some analysts and some investors Facebook, has estimated Mark's condition "of all" in 1,5 billion dollars and has put him on 785 place in the world. But even it does not prevent Mark Zuckerberg to remain the youngest in the world the billionaire.