Theodore Roosevelt was born 1858 and died 1919. He American politics, 25-th vice-president of USA, 26-th president of USA in 1901—1909, the representative of the Republican party, the Nobel prize winner of the world for 1906 Theodore Roosevelt — the brother of the of the colleague, Franklin Delano Roosevel, and the wife of Franklin — Anna Eleanor Roosevelt — had Theodore Roosevelt the (c) by Author Scott Catron
Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York October, 27, 1858 in family of the dealer and the philanthropist of the Dutch origin. Theodore Roosevelt was the second child in family, he had one senior and one younger sister, and also the younger brother.
From the childhood the future president did not differ a sound health and suffered from an asthma. At the end of 1860 and the beginning 1870 family Ruzvel'tov travelled to Europe, Africa and to Near East. Elementary education Theodore Roosevelt has received basically in domestic conditions — owing to morbidity he did not go almost to school.
The Indomitable Teddy Roosevelt
In 1876 Theodore Roosevelt has arrived in the Harward university, and in 1880 has ended him. Then has published the first essay and the beginnings to politicize, in particular has entered the Republican party. In 1882—1884 Theodore Rooseve was a member legislature of state New York. February, 14, 1884 in one day has lost mother and the wife. Some days before at him daughter Elis was born. After tragedy Theodore Roosevelt has left work and New York, having moved to Dakota, and the beginnings to conduct life of the farmer.
In 1886 he married in second time.
In 1895 it is appointed the police chief of city of New York. Since 1897 he is an assistant to naval minister in administration of the president William McKinley During the Spanish-American war 1898 took part in military actions on Cuba. With 1899 on 1900 the post of the governor of New York held.
In 1900 the team of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevel has won at presidential elections. March, 4 1901 William McKinley has entered a post of the president on the second term, Theodore Roosevel became vice-president. September, 6 the same year on William McKinley attempt was accomplished, and September, 14 he has died from the received wound. This very day Theodore Roosevel was given in the oath as the new president.
Theodore Rooseve has continued a rate William McKinley on refusal of an isolationism and becoming of America as the global imperialistic power actively working all over the world. He posesses expressions a politics big batoon "Big Stick" and « a world policeman ».
He was the first president who has invited in the White house of the representative afro-americans, the first American who has received the Nobel Prize of the world (for intermediary in the conclusion of the Russian-Japanese Portsmouth world).
In 1908 Theodore Roosevel has conceded a presidential post to the close employee William Howard Taft, going in 1912 to nominate the nominee on new term after a break. After the majority of the Republican party has not supported him in this initiative, and has put forward on the second term the William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevel has split a party and has created a new Progressive party from which has acted at elections of 1912. This split has resulted to that the candidate of democratic Party homas Woodrow Wilson has won.
At the end of 1910th years republicans again were united around Theodore Roosevel. In T.Roosevel't's January 6, 1919 has died from a blood clot in dream at home. President Vil'son has ordered to declare on him mourning and to lower a little flags on all country.
By some estimations if Theodore Roosevel has lived two more years, most likely, would return to the White house and itself, instead of his relative Franklin, would become the first president elected three times: at the elections of 1920 won by republicans in person Warren Gamaliel Harding, he would be the most natural nominee of the party.