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The title of the oldest inhabitant of the Earth passes to the Buddhist monk who never says lies and doesn't eat the salty.
The prior of Buddhist monastery on the Thai island Phuket Luang Fu Sufa, noted on September, 17th the 115 anniversary, became the oldest inhabitant of the Earth, informs on Friday referring to British The Daily Mail portal of religion. Luang Faugh Sufa which were born in century before last, the longevity as he considers, is obliged to that eats a little, speaks a little, and if speaks, only the truth. The monk doesn't do more than nine drinks for each food intake and always refuses from anything peppering and salty. However, it can't refuse to himself dessert from rice with sugar.
Followers of Sufa consider its very wise and inclusion of name of their teacher in the Guinness Book of Records plan to achieve. To the Thai monk the British, the veteran of the First World War Henry Ellingem who have died in July of this year at the age of 113 years was the oldest inhabitant of planet. Among women the oldest inhabitant of the Earth is the 114-year-old Japanese Kama Tinen.