Yule winter solstice 2009 time and winter solstice traditions equinox 2009 .
When shortest day of the year 2009?picture of Yule tree by Sighthound (c) flickr
Solstice— the moment of crossing by the centre of the Sun of points ecliptic, the most remote from equator (solstice points).
Distinguish summer and winter solstice. The longest or shortest day is thus observed. In northern hemisphere the winter solstice occurs winter solstice 2009 time 17:47 on December, 21st or on December, 22nd and then shortest day of the year 2009 (and the longest night), and summer time 2010 will be at 11:28 on June 21, is observed and then the longest day 2010 year(and is observed the shortest night). In southern hemisphere for the named dates summer and winter solstices have, accordingly.
In average widths, within year in the spring and in the beginning of summer, the Sun daily at midday all rises above over horizon, and in day of summer solstice "stops" and changes the movement to the return. Then it every day at midday falls all more low and eventually, at the moment of winter solstice, again changes the movement to the return and starts to rise.
Owing to leap shift of date of solstice fluctuate for 1—2 days. The summer solstice, occurs usually on June, 21st, winter — on December, 22nd. In astronomy the moment of winter solstice is accepted to the beginning of winter, and the moment of summer solstice — for the beginning of summer. The astronomical longitude of the sun during these moments, accordingly, 90 ° and 270 °, and in astrology it means occurrence of the Sun as a sign of the Cancer (summer solstice) and the Capricorn (winter solstice).
Within several days till the moment of solstice the Sun almost doesn't change declination, its midday heights in the sky are almost invariable (height within year varies under the schedule close to sinusoid); from here also there is name of solstice. From supervision of heights of the Sun in both solstices the plane inclination ecliptic to plane of heavenly equator can be defined.
Day of winter solstice took the important place in culture, beginning, at least since neolith. It is considered, what is it prove the saved archaeological monuments - such as, for example, Stonehendge in England and Newgrange in Ireland. The Basic axis of both constructions specifies in rising point (Newgrange) calling sun (Stonehendge) in day of winter solstice. Ancient Slavs also marked days of solstice and equinox. Christmas popular holiday Yule. These days (two solstices and two equinoxes — Koleda, Yalda, Saturnalia, Karachun, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa ) served as reference points for employment by agriculture, building, and other vital affairs for society. These days, besides exact date have also "week" (mermaiden, Yule-songs and other). Summer holiday is Ivan Kupala Day, St. John's Eve, while Neopagans observe Midsummer.