Dating Online it is good school and it help to became hot lead women if your age more 21! :)
The first I will tell you, that sites of acquaintances I think useful extremely as a place for training. Simply because they forgive mistakes more easy. Agree, to writing with someone it is much easier than to descend on the present appointment. Actually it also is the main advantage of the Internet before real life.
Now such sites is a part of quite adequate and social things. It if to tell easier, normally. I know many people which there hang. All the same it is not simple so these sites such quantity last time has appeared.

But you as the future or already present hunter-women should put the precise purposes: and what for it to you? If in general– that to receive the best from virtual dialogue. What it?
To learn to play love an online. It will demand several weeks or even faster if you already understand, that to what.
And advantages are simple:
You create to yourself a circle of dialogue (easily)
You receive an estimation of men (positive – pleasantly, negative – it it is useful)
You train to flirtation
You study to formulate « in a point », already one your correctly made questionnaire can yield good results
You have simply a good time
You study in the initiative, you take something on yourself
New familiar
In general(common) to continue it is possible long. Actually, for some of skills, it is especial if you are not too resolute in real life, the best place for study to not find.
The relation to appointments and in general to feelings varies in due course. We shall tell so, during love letters all was absolutely in another way. And already at all that was 10 years back when there were no sites of acquaintances.
The Internet, on the one hand, does more and more safe and enables you to supervise, but on the other hand feelings sometimes are very much even real. Though all began with the Internet.
The most important – that at you was the CIRCLE of dialogue. And you did not communicate with someone one. How it? When you communicate with one (even remarkable and fine):
You send to him messages
You wait for his answers
You worry, why he does not answer
Nothing you know about him of the present
Also you can not know at all as far as the truth that he speaks
One it deprives with you all advantages and does vulnerable.
To learn to play love an online. It will demand several weeks or even faster if you already understand, that to what.
And advantages are simple:
You create to yourself a circle of dialogue (easily)
You receive an estimation of men (positive – pleasantly, negative – it it is useful)
You train to flirtation
You study to formulate « in a point », already one your correctly made questionnaire can yield good results
You have simply a good time
You study in the initiative, you take something on yourself
New familiar
In general(common) to continue it is possible long. Actually, for some of skills, it is especial if you are not too resolute in real life, the best place for study to not find.
The relation to appointments and in general to feelings varies in due course. We shall tell so, during love letters all was absolutely in another way. And already at all that was 10 years back when there were no sites of acquaintances.
The Internet, on the one hand, does more and more safe and enables you to supervise, but on the other hand feelings sometimes are very much even real. Though all began with the Internet.
The most important – that at you was the CIRCLE of dialogue. And you did not communicate with someone one. How it? When you communicate with one (even remarkable and fine):
You send to him messages
You wait for his answers
You worry, why he does not answer
Nothing you know about him of the present
Also you can not know at all as far as the truth that he speaks
One it deprives with you all advantages and does vulnerable.
Therefore corrected № 1. Always search new acquaintances. Open. Communicate. If on work you have opportunity to sit on acquaintances and there is no work.
Only that someone has liked you and too flirts in the answer, does not do you obliged, to something. Certainly, when at you the guy, PRESENT! And you sit in the whole days on sites I quite can understand him if he be dissatisfied. But now I about the friend.
Actually, at all it does not stand to declare it all. I think, will be people it will be pleasant for them to hear or read something like « I to you of nothing a little should ». Simply know, that you are free, behave so. It is quite enough of it.
How it in general works?
Many times heard an idea, a pier, all this is frivolous. There to find someone it is unreal. It is all a whim. I shall not recollect at all counterexamples. Simply I shall offer to reflect. Thousand and thousand people came on sites of acquaintances, at them the simple purposes: to fall in love, receive sex, pleasure, to make friends with someone.
If you think, that there sex , I will risk to assume is necessary for all men only, that in real life you think about the same. I shall not argue now with this belief, for this purpose there are other clauses. But the idea is simple: on these sites usual people, with the usual purposes and desires, and not just maniacs sit. For this reason you can find there something suitable, certainly, if your desires are quite adequate. However, if you search to yourself the slave for night (joke) too is necessary to try. But then other instruction is necessary for you absolutely:)
I shall open to you a secret: the destiny can be met and in a network. If you till now think, that it is all is artificial and is far-fetched, I advise time to refuse all civilization: to cease to use machines, lifts etc. Or simply understand: in the virtual world there is a real love.
Such prejudiced opinions develop sometimes with feeling discomfort. But it only because you yet have not learned. How many on it it is necessary for time? Month, I think, month precisely will suffice.
I do not ask to refuse opportunities of the real world. And even I think, that if you have choice get acquainted and communicate really. But if you are compelled to spend time before a computer sites of acquaintances is an opportunity to increase your chance to meet the love.
By the way, on one girl in a network some men are necessary at once. On some sites this ratio even 1 to 10. To deserve someone's attention, it is not necessary to strain at all.
I hope, that it is enough aforesaid that you have got to yourself the questionnaire if she still is not present.
Why to flirt in a network it is easier.
Flirtation is a skill to show less, than is actually and more, than you can tell in a word. In a network you can write anything you like – and it will be the only thing that the man will receive from you. He will not see, how you look, will not hear intonation, will not notice your mood.
And taking into account it, firstly it is easier to learn to flirt, when you understand what to watch(keep up) it is necessary only for THAT you speak. And absolutely it is necessary to think, HOW you do it.
And the choice which is, will allow to experiment. In general men whom in times online there is more, like to receive messages, as though it silly did not sound. In general to write stands to much. Study to not draw hasty conclusions. Do not think, that you know someone if you did not communicate with him even virtually. Also understand, what even to understand, that is written in his questionnaire, the woman-man's dictionary is necessary for you.
It is important to trust that occurs to you. As soon as to you the idea has come, that interesting it would be possible to write, open the contacts or search and check up: whether works? Whether you really can intrigue the man from one phrase?
Second, it is important to not take offence at refusal. You see there is also a return side of a medal: you do not know, why he actually has answered not how you would like. The bad mood is possible at him or pet has died. And in general is silly to take offence at the virtual person whom you yet do not know.
It is experience, you see if from 20 person nobody has reacted to your "ingenious" phrase positively, most likely, not such she already and ingenious. If to generalize, 3 kinds of the first phrases in the best way operate:
- "Unusual". They intrigue, show, that you not such as all. Like « you my white horse did not find something? Prince on a place, the horse has run away ». - individual. Having read his questionnaire, you can understand, what he likes. For example, to draw. Then it is quite interesting to ask « Tell, and it was interesting to you to write night Venice a water color? » - psychological. Operate on subconsciousness. « Excuse, that I have liked you, but to me such men as you are nice. How you think, than? »
Specially I do not give many examples and you I do not explain, how it works. The purpose – to give you a starting point. You see that you will think up in times better even if not the psychologist and not the expert in interpersonal dialogue. Probably, I shall write still clause devoted to subtleties of dialogue in the text. But while to read between lines study itself is simply enough.
It is warned – means it is armed. Be ready to any reaction when you will spend experiments. As you sometimes are so naughty sometimes and guys behave as idiots. Therefore the best, that you can make is to not argue, and to leave alone him. To discount that men too have bad mood or life it has not gone right. To him and so it is not so cheerful if he such allows himself.
The network has one more advantage if someone has not liked you – he always can be sent in « the black list » and so on. It is not necessary to declare it beforehand in the questionnaire. It looks at all unfriendly. Simply do it when you feel, that you receive an obvious negative.
Simply remember, that similar should not stop you. And in general, negative experience is frequently much more useful. Disconnect for the period of emotion and think, instead of whether you have insulted the first?
Guys write to a thicket. It is a lot of them. But you you see want to receive the best? Therefore take care of the questionnaire.
Good photo. Without comments. Questionnaires from photos receive letters in 10 times more. Further or the sincere description of that you are or an intrigue. And in general try, suddenly you will find a certain successful approach which was looked through by we.
Your questionnaire – your house. Therefore in your messages there should be a cleanliness and the order. Remove everything, that somehow offends or offends you. If you have received the letter with a negative – erase him, and the author – to the black list.
And just because your structure, your house it is necessary to care of him:
Keep those messages which have liked you
You can even print them
Keep in contact with good people while they so conduct themselves (well)
Be patient, give an opportunity to answer (can, he simply tea has gone to have a drink)
Be the person of good mood
Also keep a riddle – do not tell about itself all
Show itself from the best side. It, by the way, works and in real life. Do not complain and do not complain. Men like to help, but to the one whom even know a little. And one photo « almost top » has not enough that normal the man has wanted.
Do not become attached to the one whom you know only virtually. You see there are no guarantees. If suddenly he will be gone, communicate with that who answers. To live easily then when there is a choice.
Attachment is an emotion. A certain energy. And when you are emotionally invested in the person whom you do not know you create disbalance. And by that you deprive with this energy of. If you will not receive the due answer, and it hardly all this Internet – bosh will seem to you, that, all does not work. And the problem only that the mistake was made by you – was enclosed at all without a guarantee of return. Actually, in such terminology you long or feel a pain then when your energy was finished.
If it is easier – do not stake on the one whom yet you do not know. You do not know = you know virtually.
When it is necessary to take offence?
It is a question frequently arises at those who communicates virtually. In all these the online love affairs is some unwritten laws.
If you have agreed upon a meeting with the guy or have given him the number, and he still hangs on a site to take offence does not cost. It is normal. The same you can afford and you.
You do not meet also anything each other should not. You at all did not see each other. Actually, an opportunity of a competition, I think, it is wonderful.
You see if you are really good, will find yourself at a rudder. And if is not present, it is occasion to work above itself instead of to accuse men. Simply be the best variant of the .
I already have some times caught myself that I speak sometimes enough « in general» and I do not paint in detail with each thing. It because the virtual world so big, as well as present. And many things in them are identical. Therefore, if at you something causes questions, for example, « how to be the best », « how to work with the belief » simply look through other articles.
Whether it is necessary to you to meet?
After you some time corresponded, on a site or already in ICQ or MSN and all is normal, the meeting is a following and quite natural stage.
You should go on this meeting, but in most cases (99 %) you should be in something are sure:
- You in safety. If you feel something bad, and doctors did not notice at you a paranoia the information on him can not suffice you – ask. In any case the first meeting is better for leading(carrying out) in a public place where it is a lot of to people.
- Do not expect something especial. Simply meet and try, that to you it was cheerful.
It is necessary to be focused on own comfort and comfort of a meeting in general. Instead of on arranging to him 135 checks or on the contrary to show, that you sang most better in a class or able to put(fold) five--place numbers in mind(wit).
Look on all of 100 %. But, it is similar to the photo. By the way, if your "best" photo is not similar to you, she has nothing to do at you in the questionnaire. Choose another.
Enclose in the appearance not less, than in moral preparation for this appointment. You see how you look, much speaks about how you feel yourself.
Whether extreme appointments are necessary for you?
For example, he has invited you in club in the middle of night. Or on days off on the
Beach. And here the rule starts to work: the above you fly, the is more sick it happens to fall. And agreeing on such appointments, you risk.
And if you risk, do it is realized. Or your feelings prompt you, that it is that of 1 % and he simply cannot be missed or be sure, that business not in the one who near to you, and in that. And if you can fly to sea , why to not fly?
But in general the first appointment should be simple: to drink on a cocktail, or a meeting on 1 hour in the evening in cafe. Something more scale save for then: roller skates, driving on horse, concerts, theatres etc.
Whether it is necessary to speak long?
The pressure and emotions is a key moment of any relations. And when you reserve hours of telephone conversations and kilometers of sheets of dialogues in аське a bit later you will lose emotions, not having had time(been in time) even to meet.
Present, that you need to read lecture. That will work better: two-hour moulding of water or 15 minute monologue directly in a point?
I think, that virtual dialogue with each concrete person should be short. It works better. In general such dialogue can be much – with different people. But concrete it is necessary or to meet everyone or simply to study in something useful and to go further.
It is always good, when you finish telephone conversation or a chat on « the high note ». Even if to you is still than to share, leave it up to following time or before your appointment.
Short contacts create an intrigue. Are more emotionally intense. You see essence of relations between the man and the woman – emotions as opposed to the information on work or in study.
Try to reduce time of the conversations about 5 minutes. And even at all to use their means to appointment.
He has cancelled a meeting. What to do?
In general, if you followed that is written above you already should have some offers. But what to do, if it was the best.
On the one hand there is a good recommendation: in the virtual world of one gross blunder it is enough. On the other hand, whether always a cancellation of a meeting – a gross blunder?
In general, it is normal, that he could worry and cancel a meeting therefore. Even if such term « stress of the first appointment ». He is afraid to not justify expectations. That you will learn(find out,recognize), that instead of 25 volumes of classics. He has read only 20. Or, that though on a photo he is hot man or macho, but to growth in him 1,55.
Therefore it will be easier to you to meet, if it will be declared not as something grandiose, and is simple: « Let's meet, it will be cheerful ».
If already and it does not work, it is a mistake, his mistake, and you is not necessary to experience in this occasion.
Result, 10 things by which it is not necessary to do.
If you after read want login (username) in the questionnaire and to start, walk under the list below and be convinced, that from this you do not suffer anything. It will allow you to save time and own efforts.
Photo: a boring background. You think, what surrounds you in a photo, has no value? It not so. Precisely not so. On 100 %. People leave in a virtual reality because that allows them to dream and dream. And certainly, he will or bondage will include the imagination when looks at your photo. For this reason Florence around of you or a skateboard under you on a photo will add to you, can, even your appearance in itself is more than glasses, than.
Photo and dialogue: to look suppressed, sad. You would like dialogue. Interesting. Flashing. And the partner is necessary for you. And the man, having written to you, as though accepts this role. Present, that you would rescue to someone life. Has caught from water. And he speaks you: « Why you have made it. I generally and not especially want to live ». Personally to me the person back (joke) .Then you would want to drown it act also, trying to solve in the virtual world the problems or to show, that to you it is sad or bad.
Roughness. Certainly, if you will meet the punk on a site of acquaintances he it will estimate. As it can estimate roker, you should communicate to girls - roker and to understand, about what I speak. But probability such you will have it is insignificant it is small. Therefore, first of all – respect others. Take your time with conclusions. If something very much is not pleasant, politely tell "while" be disconnected.
Lies. When you tell lies about the age, growth, the social status or marriage it can be felt even on distance. And for some reason the best men feel it in the best way. They simply feel, that something not so, at all I do not know that particularly. Think, whether there is it of that?
To overlook about itself. Tell first of all about itself. Have got to something interesting. Try to create the image light and interesting. If you overlook to speak, about yourself you borrow(occupy) a protective position and do not influence almost that opinion which about you to develop. In that case, the high probability of that the person will present instead of you somebody else. And without dependence from, whether in your advantage(benefit) there will be a comparison with this image, it will be worse to you in a result.
To communicate all with one man. A network – ponder upon this name. It shows one, that the Internet was created to establish set of connections. In a network there are no 100 % of guarantees. Therefore, when you invest only in one person emotionally it does you defenceless. If you receive refusal with you should remain after that a choice. And that will be as in a fairy tale about gold fish : « … at the broken trough ».
The questionnaire without a photo. You should hang up a photo. This rule of game. And those who breaks rules, do not like. All is simple. Plus from photos, you will receive at 5-10 times more letters. It is not necessary to neglect it.
To allow refusal all to destroy. Refusals is a part of life. If there were no falling there would be no also pleasure of victories. Skill it to understand – the important part of dialogue. Including an online. Usually variants to go through failure 2: 1) to be closed in itself and to experience 2) to accept as useful experience (to not pass by youself and to accept), and to live further
To want too much. Be adequate. Expect that you can receive. Do not hope, that for 3 three days at you all will turn out. Give yourself time to fill hard and do not miss past those lessons which you will receive. You study. And to learn time is necessary.
To take all seriously. Gravity + flirtation = boredom. That really you can light even virtual dialogue is a humour and jokes. Such model of dialogue will bring the greatest success. Next time, when you will be an online – try to add humour in the dialogue – you will see results at once. It originally also allows to break ice between you and the interlocutor.
Unimportantly where to search for men, and the network is a place nothing worse a night club. But remember is only means. And to live it is necessary real life. Good luck.
Only that someone has liked you and too flirts in the answer, does not do you obliged, to something. Certainly, when at you the guy, PRESENT! And you sit in the whole days on sites I quite can understand him if he be dissatisfied. But now I about the friend.
Actually, at all it does not stand to declare it all. I think, will be people it will be pleasant for them to hear or read something like « I to you of nothing a little should ». Simply know, that you are free, behave so. It is quite enough of it.
How it in general works?
Many times heard an idea, a pier, all this is frivolous. There to find someone it is unreal. It is all a whim. I shall not recollect at all counterexamples. Simply I shall offer to reflect. Thousand and thousand people came on sites of acquaintances, at them the simple purposes: to fall in love, receive sex, pleasure, to make friends with someone.
If you think, that there sex , I will risk to assume is necessary for all men only, that in real life you think about the same. I shall not argue now with this belief, for this purpose there are other clauses. But the idea is simple: on these sites usual people, with the usual purposes and desires, and not just maniacs sit. For this reason you can find there something suitable, certainly, if your desires are quite adequate. However, if you search to yourself the slave for night (joke) too is necessary to try. But then other instruction is necessary for you absolutely:)
I shall open to you a secret: the destiny can be met and in a network. If you till now think, that it is all is artificial and is far-fetched, I advise time to refuse all civilization: to cease to use machines, lifts etc. Or simply understand: in the virtual world there is a real love.
Such prejudiced opinions develop sometimes with feeling discomfort. But it only because you yet have not learned. How many on it it is necessary for time? Month, I think, month precisely will suffice.
I do not ask to refuse opportunities of the real world. And even I think, that if you have choice get acquainted and communicate really. But if you are compelled to spend time before a computer sites of acquaintances is an opportunity to increase your chance to meet the love.
By the way, on one girl in a network some men are necessary at once. On some sites this ratio even 1 to 10. To deserve someone's attention, it is not necessary to strain at all.
I hope, that it is enough aforesaid that you have got to yourself the questionnaire if she still is not present.
Why to flirt in a network it is easier.
Flirtation is a skill to show less, than is actually and more, than you can tell in a word. In a network you can write anything you like – and it will be the only thing that the man will receive from you. He will not see, how you look, will not hear intonation, will not notice your mood.
And taking into account it, firstly it is easier to learn to flirt, when you understand what to watch(keep up) it is necessary only for THAT you speak. And absolutely it is necessary to think, HOW you do it.
And the choice which is, will allow to experiment. In general men whom in times online there is more, like to receive messages, as though it silly did not sound. In general to write stands to much. Study to not draw hasty conclusions. Do not think, that you know someone if you did not communicate with him even virtually. Also understand, what even to understand, that is written in his questionnaire, the woman-man's dictionary is necessary for you.
It is important to trust that occurs to you. As soon as to you the idea has come, that interesting it would be possible to write, open the contacts or search and check up: whether works? Whether you really can intrigue the man from one phrase?
Second, it is important to not take offence at refusal. You see there is also a return side of a medal: you do not know, why he actually has answered not how you would like. The bad mood is possible at him or pet has died. And in general is silly to take offence at the virtual person whom you yet do not know.
It is experience, you see if from 20 person nobody has reacted to your "ingenious" phrase positively, most likely, not such she already and ingenious. If to generalize, 3 kinds of the first phrases in the best way operate:
- "Unusual". They intrigue, show, that you not such as all. Like « you my white horse did not find something? Prince on a place, the horse has run away ». - individual. Having read his questionnaire, you can understand, what he likes. For example, to draw. Then it is quite interesting to ask « Tell, and it was interesting to you to write night Venice a water color? » - psychological. Operate on subconsciousness. « Excuse, that I have liked you, but to me such men as you are nice. How you think, than? »
Specially I do not give many examples and you I do not explain, how it works. The purpose – to give you a starting point. You see that you will think up in times better even if not the psychologist and not the expert in interpersonal dialogue. Probably, I shall write still clause devoted to subtleties of dialogue in the text. But while to read between lines study itself is simply enough.
It is warned – means it is armed. Be ready to any reaction when you will spend experiments. As you sometimes are so naughty sometimes and guys behave as idiots. Therefore the best, that you can make is to not argue, and to leave alone him. To discount that men too have bad mood or life it has not gone right. To him and so it is not so cheerful if he such allows himself.
The network has one more advantage if someone has not liked you – he always can be sent in « the black list » and so on. It is not necessary to declare it beforehand in the questionnaire. It looks at all unfriendly. Simply do it when you feel, that you receive an obvious negative.
Simply remember, that similar should not stop you. And in general, negative experience is frequently much more useful. Disconnect for the period of emotion and think, instead of whether you have insulted the first?
Guys write to a thicket. It is a lot of them. But you you see want to receive the best? Therefore take care of the questionnaire.
Good photo. Without comments. Questionnaires from photos receive letters in 10 times more. Further or the sincere description of that you are or an intrigue. And in general try, suddenly you will find a certain successful approach which was looked through by we.
Your questionnaire – your house. Therefore in your messages there should be a cleanliness and the order. Remove everything, that somehow offends or offends you. If you have received the letter with a negative – erase him, and the author – to the black list.
And just because your structure, your house it is necessary to care of him:
Keep those messages which have liked you
You can even print them
Keep in contact with good people while they so conduct themselves (well)
Be patient, give an opportunity to answer (can, he simply tea has gone to have a drink)
Be the person of good mood
Also keep a riddle – do not tell about itself all
Show itself from the best side. It, by the way, works and in real life. Do not complain and do not complain. Men like to help, but to the one whom even know a little. And one photo « almost top » has not enough that normal the man has wanted.
Do not become attached to the one whom you know only virtually. You see there are no guarantees. If suddenly he will be gone, communicate with that who answers. To live easily then when there is a choice.
Attachment is an emotion. A certain energy. And when you are emotionally invested in the person whom you do not know you create disbalance. And by that you deprive with this energy of. If you will not receive the due answer, and it hardly all this Internet – bosh will seem to you, that, all does not work. And the problem only that the mistake was made by you – was enclosed at all without a guarantee of return. Actually, in such terminology you long or feel a pain then when your energy was finished.
If it is easier – do not stake on the one whom yet you do not know. You do not know = you know virtually.
When it is necessary to take offence?
It is a question frequently arises at those who communicates virtually. In all these the online love affairs is some unwritten laws.
If you have agreed upon a meeting with the guy or have given him the number, and he still hangs on a site to take offence does not cost. It is normal. The same you can afford and you.
You do not meet also anything each other should not. You at all did not see each other. Actually, an opportunity of a competition, I think, it is wonderful.
You see if you are really good, will find yourself at a rudder. And if is not present, it is occasion to work above itself instead of to accuse men. Simply be the best variant of the .
I already have some times caught myself that I speak sometimes enough « in general» and I do not paint in detail with each thing. It because the virtual world so big, as well as present. And many things in them are identical. Therefore, if at you something causes questions, for example, « how to be the best », « how to work with the belief » simply look through other articles.
Whether it is necessary to you to meet?
After you some time corresponded, on a site or already in ICQ or MSN and all is normal, the meeting is a following and quite natural stage.
You should go on this meeting, but in most cases (99 %) you should be in something are sure:
- You in safety. If you feel something bad, and doctors did not notice at you a paranoia the information on him can not suffice you – ask. In any case the first meeting is better for leading(carrying out) in a public place where it is a lot of to people.
- Do not expect something especial. Simply meet and try, that to you it was cheerful.
It is necessary to be focused on own comfort and comfort of a meeting in general. Instead of on arranging to him 135 checks or on the contrary to show, that you sang most better in a class or able to put(fold) five--place numbers in mind(wit).
Look on all of 100 %. But, it is similar to the photo. By the way, if your "best" photo is not similar to you, she has nothing to do at you in the questionnaire. Choose another.
Enclose in the appearance not less, than in moral preparation for this appointment. You see how you look, much speaks about how you feel yourself.
Whether extreme appointments are necessary for you?
For example, he has invited you in club in the middle of night. Or on days off on the
Beach. And here the rule starts to work: the above you fly, the is more sick it happens to fall. And agreeing on such appointments, you risk.
And if you risk, do it is realized. Or your feelings prompt you, that it is that of 1 % and he simply cannot be missed or be sure, that business not in the one who near to you, and in that. And if you can fly to sea , why to not fly?
But in general the first appointment should be simple: to drink on a cocktail, or a meeting on 1 hour in the evening in cafe. Something more scale save for then: roller skates, driving on horse, concerts, theatres etc.
Whether it is necessary to speak long?
The pressure and emotions is a key moment of any relations. And when you reserve hours of telephone conversations and kilometers of sheets of dialogues in аське a bit later you will lose emotions, not having had time(been in time) even to meet.
Present, that you need to read lecture. That will work better: two-hour moulding of water or 15 minute monologue directly in a point?
I think, that virtual dialogue with each concrete person should be short. It works better. In general such dialogue can be much – with different people. But concrete it is necessary or to meet everyone or simply to study in something useful and to go further.
It is always good, when you finish telephone conversation or a chat on « the high note ». Even if to you is still than to share, leave it up to following time or before your appointment.
Short contacts create an intrigue. Are more emotionally intense. You see essence of relations between the man and the woman – emotions as opposed to the information on work or in study.
Try to reduce time of the conversations about 5 minutes. And even at all to use their means to appointment.
He has cancelled a meeting. What to do?
In general, if you followed that is written above you already should have some offers. But what to do, if it was the best.
On the one hand there is a good recommendation: in the virtual world of one gross blunder it is enough. On the other hand, whether always a cancellation of a meeting – a gross blunder?
In general, it is normal, that he could worry and cancel a meeting therefore. Even if such term « stress of the first appointment ». He is afraid to not justify expectations. That you will learn(find out,recognize), that instead of 25 volumes of classics. He has read only 20. Or, that though on a photo he is hot man or macho, but to growth in him 1,55.
Therefore it will be easier to you to meet, if it will be declared not as something grandiose, and is simple: « Let's meet, it will be cheerful ».
If already and it does not work, it is a mistake, his mistake, and you is not necessary to experience in this occasion.
Result, 10 things by which it is not necessary to do.
If you after read want login (username) in the questionnaire and to start, walk under the list below and be convinced, that from this you do not suffer anything. It will allow you to save time and own efforts.
Photo: a boring background. You think, what surrounds you in a photo, has no value? It not so. Precisely not so. On 100 %. People leave in a virtual reality because that allows them to dream and dream. And certainly, he will or bondage will include the imagination when looks at your photo. For this reason Florence around of you or a skateboard under you on a photo will add to you, can, even your appearance in itself is more than glasses, than.
Photo and dialogue: to look suppressed, sad. You would like dialogue. Interesting. Flashing. And the partner is necessary for you. And the man, having written to you, as though accepts this role. Present, that you would rescue to someone life. Has caught from water. And he speaks you: « Why you have made it. I generally and not especially want to live ». Personally to me the person back (joke) .Then you would want to drown it act also, trying to solve in the virtual world the problems or to show, that to you it is sad or bad.
Roughness. Certainly, if you will meet the punk on a site of acquaintances he it will estimate. As it can estimate roker, you should communicate to girls - roker and to understand, about what I speak. But probability such you will have it is insignificant it is small. Therefore, first of all – respect others. Take your time with conclusions. If something very much is not pleasant, politely tell "while" be disconnected.
Lies. When you tell lies about the age, growth, the social status or marriage it can be felt even on distance. And for some reason the best men feel it in the best way. They simply feel, that something not so, at all I do not know that particularly. Think, whether there is it of that?
To overlook about itself. Tell first of all about itself. Have got to something interesting. Try to create the image light and interesting. If you overlook to speak, about yourself you borrow(occupy) a protective position and do not influence almost that opinion which about you to develop. In that case, the high probability of that the person will present instead of you somebody else. And without dependence from, whether in your advantage(benefit) there will be a comparison with this image, it will be worse to you in a result.
To communicate all with one man. A network – ponder upon this name. It shows one, that the Internet was created to establish set of connections. In a network there are no 100 % of guarantees. Therefore, when you invest only in one person emotionally it does you defenceless. If you receive refusal with you should remain after that a choice. And that will be as in a fairy tale about gold fish : « … at the broken trough ».
The questionnaire without a photo. You should hang up a photo. This rule of game. And those who breaks rules, do not like. All is simple. Plus from photos, you will receive at 5-10 times more letters. It is not necessary to neglect it.
To allow refusal all to destroy. Refusals is a part of life. If there were no falling there would be no also pleasure of victories. Skill it to understand – the important part of dialogue. Including an online. Usually variants to go through failure 2: 1) to be closed in itself and to experience 2) to accept as useful experience (to not pass by youself and to accept), and to live further
To want too much. Be adequate. Expect that you can receive. Do not hope, that for 3 three days at you all will turn out. Give yourself time to fill hard and do not miss past those lessons which you will receive. You study. And to learn time is necessary.
To take all seriously. Gravity + flirtation = boredom. That really you can light even virtual dialogue is a humour and jokes. Such model of dialogue will bring the greatest success. Next time, when you will be an online – try to add humour in the dialogue – you will see results at once. It originally also allows to break ice between you and the interlocutor.
Unimportantly where to search for men, and the network is a place nothing worse a night club. But remember is only means. And to live it is necessary real life. Good luck.