Style of the leader or Grecian slippers.
To accept and love the body - for many it is completely not obvious. We almost always are dissatisfied with something: growth or in volume of hips.
« I love the fingers of legs » - is far from being each of us will tell myself such words. And not only because this application sounds funny. To accept and love the body - for many it is completely not obvious. We almost always are dissatisfied with something: growth, in volume of hips, ankle. We look in a mirror, knit eyebrowes and we plan to grow fond of themselves later – when it will be possible to grow thin, engage in yoga or simply to sleep. Fingers of legs in this sense – one of delicate places.
There are no the exercises, capable to change their form or to make is more thin. Everything, that it is possible to make with fingers of legs, is to look after them. And to like and accept such what they are, right now. In this business there is an assistant. These are easy slippers on the flat sole, Roman sandals reminding by the form. Roman "influence" does by their almost same faultless classics, as a white shirt or a small black dress. Antique motives in different time inspired all great fashion designers – from Paul Poiret up to Giorgio Armani, from prince Feliksa Jusupova, in 1924 opened in Paris fashionable house Irfe, up to Valetino. They will inspire and us. It is necessary to dare to try on flip-flops – and there is a sensation, that at issued on freedom a foot wings grow. In such footwear gait varies: in her there is an ease, confidence, grace. And a trace the mood and feeling vary. And start to like us own hips, a waist, a smile. Not sometime, and directly here and now.
White dress – one of the integral tendencies of a summer. However, we are always ready, by advice Coco Chanel to pass a style of a season if the style of a season is not pleasant to us. But only not this: the white dress perfectly shades sunburn, emphasizes a smile and directly helps to hold a back – as it did Coco Chanel.